recommendations contact list
As a career professional, I often run into job applications that ask for 2 to 3 professional recommendations. The employers that ask for the contact information (email and phone number) for those who supervised me and/or observed my work tend to be in the public sector- education, government, non-profit, etc.
I’ve started a word document listing all the places I’ve worked along with and dates and addresses and phone numbers of employers.
I also keep adding to a list of professional contacts that are willing and able to write a letter or fill out a form on my behalf. It helps to keep them updated on where you are in your job search on a quarterly basis- so that they get a return on their investment of time and energy on you.
I would let them know if I’ve listed their contact information on a job form.
In order to keep a growing list, I connected with coworkers and managers on LinkedIn. Then went down my messages section to say hello and ask if they can give me a recommendation for a job at [such and such company] and for their email and phone numbers.
Those who are willing and able will say yes and give me their contact information- others won’t respond (the answer is no), and yes a few others will ask for details.
Samri Bliss March 5th, 2024
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